When we signed the bottling agreement with The Coca Cola Company in 1953, we started on a journey full of challenges that have taught us how to listen to our customers, adapt to changes in our operating environment and overcome setbacks positively.

We have developed partnerships and expanded our operations both locally and regionally to brew, produce, bottle and distribute a strong portfolio of alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages. Our goal is to manufacture quality beverages to satisfy consumer needs and meet international quality standards.

The manufactured capital that PhoenixBev has created and developed over the years is composed of the four very distinct production sites; three in Mauritius, – the Brewery and the Limonaderie (carbonated soft drinks plant) sites both found in Phoenix and the non-carbonated/stills site found in Nouvelle France. The fourth site is Edena located in Réunion Island, a neighbouring French overseas territory. Each site has its specific characteristics which condition any company-wide initiative concerning the upgrading or the extension of PhoenixBev portfolio of products.

Most initiatives are specific to a particular site in their approach, implementation and outcome, while adhering to the overall objective of maintaining and strengthening PhoenixBev’s strong position in beverage production in the region.

Throughout the years, PhoenixBev has continued its efforts to upgrade its production capacity and capability to meet both the immediate needs of the rapidly changing local and international markets. In the case of the Brewery and the Limonaderie sites, the replacement of the ageing machinery with state-of-the-art installations, together with the required adjustment of production procedures and processes to meet international standards of safe and healthy beverage consumption, is ongoing.

Production activities at PhoenixBev’s newer non-carbonated site at Nouvelle France have responded well to the increasing consumer demand for healthier, non-carbonated drinks such as Fuze Tea and 5Alive Pulpy. The forward planning adopted for the setting up of this site has already provided for additional production capacity to meet the expected expansion of activities over the next 10 years. An important factor in the success of the Nouvelle France site is the central computerised system controlling the whole production process.

Implementing these international standards and certifications demonstrate that PhoenixBev sites have systematic OH&S controls in place that can reassure our associates at all levels in our consultations and participation in various OH&S platforms.

Committed to being a responsible and innovative producer while also aligning with our sustainability goals, PhoenixBev invested in a micro-craft brewery, known as 'MANAWA Craft Brewery Plant' in Pont Fer, Phoenix.